Item #/Vendor: AL7012 / AL23120GEN
建议将12mm斑贴用于食物的特应性斑贴测试。 研究表明,大孔径(12mm)与更高的敏感性(真阳性)和特异性(真阴性)以及更高的阳性预测(有症状的患者中有症状个体的比例)和阴性预测(无症状的比例)相关。 用食品进行斑贴测试时,测试结果为阴性的人的值要比小孔径(8mm)的值高。
- 每片有5个12mm的小室,可轻松进行斑贴测试的准备和应用
- 12mm Finn Chambers显示了特应性斑贴测试结果与挑战测试之间的良好相关性
- 医用级铝制小室(圆盘)
- 传统的Scanpor®纸胶带
- Finn Chambers在斑贴测试中作为黄金标准的良好声誉
- 包装规格每盒50片,每片5孔

It has been recommended that 12mm chambers should be used for atopic patch testing with food. Research has shown that large chambers (12mm) have been associated with higher sensitivity (true positives) and specificity (true negatives) and with higher positive predictive (proportion of symptomatic individuals among those with positive tests) and negative predictive (proportion of non-symptomatic individuals among those with negative tests) values than small chambers (8mm) when patch testing with food.
- Five 12mm chambers per panel for easy patch test preparation & application
- 12mm Finn Chambers show good correlation between the results of patch testing for atopy and challenge tests
- Medical-grade aluminum chambers (round discs)
- Traditional, Scanpor® paper tape
- Well established reputation of Finn Chambers as the gold standard in patch testing
- Package contains 50 panels of 5×1 chambers